zhi1 somebody2 strokes
2 画

dian3 / zhu3 - dot; point / main

diǎn / zhǔ


dot; point / main

  • that / it /somebody /something
  • (grammatically used as possessive “ex.~’s”)

Usage 用法

that / it /somebody /something

Jīng-guò le liù nián de nǔ-lì, tā zhōng-yú dà-xué bì-yè le, péng-yǒu-men dōu wéi zhī gāo-xìng.
He has graduated from the university after 6 years of hard studying, his friends are really happy for him.

Usage 用法

(grammatically used as possessive “ex.~’s”)

Tā bèi rèn-kě wéi zuì chéng-gōng de qǐ-yè jiā zhī yī.
He was recognised as one of the most successful entrepreneurs.