00:00 Thursday, June, 1, 2017 yuán 元 (monetary unit of China) Gallery yuán 元 (monetary unit of China) 2nd tone "´", 365Chinese, 4 strokes, measure word 量词 liàng-cí, üan, y, 儿 ér-son yuán 元 (monetary unit of China) June 1st, 2017|Categories: 2nd tone "´", 365Chinese, 4 strokes, measure word 量词 liàng-cí, üan, y, 儿 ér-son|
00:01 Sunday, January, 29, 2017 xiān 先 earlier Gallery xiān 先 earlier 1st tone "¯", 365Chinese, 6 strokes, adjectives 形容词 xíng-róng-cí, adverbs 副词 fù-cí, ian, x, 儿 ér-son xiān 先 earlier January 29th, 2017|Categories: 1st tone "¯", 365Chinese, 6 strokes, adjectives 形容词 xíng-róng-cí, adverbs 副词 fù-cí, ian, x, 儿 ér-son|
00:01 Wednesday, January, 4, 2017 guāng 光 light Gallery guāng 光 light 1st tone "¯", 365Chinese, 6 strokes, g, uang, 儿 ér-son guāng 光 light January 4th, 2017|Categories: 1st tone "¯", 365Chinese, 6 strokes, g, uang, 儿 ér-son|
00:01 Friday, September, 30, 2016 ér 儿 child Gallery ér 儿 child 2 strokes, 2nd tone "´", 365Chinese, er, radical 部首 bù-shǒu, 儿 ér-son ér 儿 child September 30th, 2016|Categories: 2 strokes, 2nd tone "´", 365Chinese, er, radical 部首 bù-shǒu, 儿 ér-son|